Saturday, November 12, 2011


9-13 What General did W. T Sherman believe to be the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side? His Confederate opponent Cavalryman N. B. Forrest

9-18 What General’s wife was taken prisoner during the Civil War and where? U. S Grant Holly Springs, Mississippi

9-23 What were General George Buell’s raw volunteers called? Squirrel Hunters

9-27 What record did Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard hold at West Point? He attended West Point for eight days

10-1 Who was the highest-ranking officer of the war accused of ‘absent without leave?' General P. T. G. Beauregard

10-7 What was the name of infamous political Confederate prison? Castle Thunder, Richmond

10-12 Who was given the nickname “Wizard of the Saddle” for his equestrian skills? Nathan Bradford Forrest

10-17 What river slowed Sherman approach to Atlanta? Chattahoochee

10-22 What were Quaker guns? Logs hollowed out and painted like cannons.

11-4 Where did Anderson Raider’s “Great Train Race” start? Big Shanty or Kennesaw

11-7 U. S. Grant’s army followed what path on his 1st Mississippi March? Mississippi Central Railroad tracks.

11-11 Who gave Stonewall Jackson his nickname during the 1st Bull Run? Bernard Bee

11-12 How many of the original 12 of Col. Berdan's sharpshooters were left by Gettysburg. Just Berdan and one more

11-21 What was the name of the train that Anderson Stole in the “Great Train Race?”

11-22 General Albert Sydney Johnston was a Native of what state? Kentucky transplanted to Louisiana

11-26 Name four most recognize Confederate Cavalry leaders. J.E.B Stuart, Turner Ashby, Nathan B. Forrest, John Hunt Morgan

12-5 What did Nathan Forrest do with 1,200 prisoners he captured during his l862 raid in Tennessee? Paroled them on the spot.

12-11 What Northern general was described to Lincoln as “a drunken wooden headed tanner?” U. S. Grant

12-16 When it appeared to imminent that Washington would be attacked who were mustered to defend the city? Government clerks

1-2 Tullahoma an Indian named Railroad town where Braxton Bragg had his headquarters for a short time meant? MUD

1-14 What Confederate was the first to become a general? Beauregard

1-15 Where was the longest pontoon bridge build? Union engineers at Windmill point on the James